Colourful Spatter Nail Art Tutorial


Nail art is a unique form of art. It is a creative way of decorating your nails. With the help of nail art your nails appear beautiful, attractive and pretty. There are different kinds of nail art present. You need to decide which one do you want to apply. Here we are talking about colourful splatter nail art. You will need a newspaper to work over first of all. Pour out more nail polish than you think as the paint will splatter all over your nails in a very colourful manner. You will then need to hold the straw over your nails to get some effect.

Dip the straw into the polish in such as way that it splatters all over your nails and not just the ring of the straw. You will then need to blow air from the fraw in a short and sharp manner. One little and quick puff will splatter it in the most appropraite manner. Well ! you definately require practise to perform this nail art. A tutorial for the same will help you in understanding how it is performed. It will give you detailed description of how such a nail art is presented and performed.
