How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth?


Onion juice can really help for hair growth.Onion has been a successful treatment for hair loss for a long time. Onion juice can help you to grow your hair because they are rich in sulfur which can promote hair growth. Onion juice is one of the best home remedies for hair loss. Onions are not only easily available, but they are also inexpensive.If you want to know more about onion juice and how you can use it then see below. It is extremely easy to use onion juice for hair growth.

Onion is the best supported home remedy for all your hair problems. It is in use from ancient times and likewise today as well it has the same importance. If you are struggling with thin hair, bald patches on scalp, color change of your hairs then at first you should stop using the market products like shampoo and conditioner.

To overcome the problem of hair loss and thin hair, onion is the easiest way. It increases the blood circulation and also provides the necessary nourishment to the hair follicles. Since onion is the anti-bacterial in nature so it also cares all kinds of infection in the hair roots.
To prepare the onion juice just remove the external layers of the onion and chop it into the smaller pieces. The more fine chopped onion is much better. Now squeeze the pieces to extract the juice from them.

This juice you need to apply to our hair scalp and provide slow massage over the bald patches. You might get some irritating smell but you have to cop up with it. After around 15 minutes, washout the hairs with normal water.

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